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Our Mentors

Our appreciation for these people is ever growing 

Motivation behind being a mentor


When I was in graduate school, I had the opportunity to serve as a mentor for Team 401 (now named Copperhead Robotics). I learned a lot and had a blast. Upon being hired to teach at SVGS, I was informed they had recently rebooted their FIRST robotics team here and asked if I wanted to help out. I agreed, and have loved helping the team continuously grow and improve over the years. I stay involved because this program does a better job simulating what it's like to be an engineer than any class could. Students have a huge open-ended project with multiple solutions, constrained by time, budget, and design requirements. Getting to work with students on creative solutions to difficult problems is a pure delight.


With Daw having a large passion for creativity and building projects from scratch, he naturally joined the robotics team and has become a key mentor for our club


Nylander is a person who keeps up with the newest tech and engineering projects. This has led him to help our team in many ways and become a dedicated mentor to our students. 

These mentors have done a lot for our team, and we greatly appreciate their help. If your interested to join as a mentor please reach out to Mr.Matrin.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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